Aims Of The School
As a Catholic School, we draw on the shared experience of home, family and parish to underpin a broad and balanced curriculum. In Ballymacward P.S. we strive to:
create a happy, safe, secure and effective learning environment where each child has the opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually and so develop his/her talents to their full potential.
Promote respect for self, others and the world around us, both locally and globally.
Promote effective learning and set high standards by providing a curriculum designed to meet the child’s individual needs and, at the same time, fulfil the Northern Ireland Curriculum requirements.
Create a system whereby staff members may develop professionally in order to facilitate the needs of our pupils.
Engage with the wider community to enhance learning.
Encourage parents to be active partners in the education of their children.
Build up a caring Catholic community within the school which is committed to handing on the faith.